Entries by Thomas Gertkemper

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Find routes nearby

Maybe you know this situation: you started spontaneously on a tour and didn’t really prepare it. Soon you find yourself standing somewhat unoriented in the forest at a crossing and wonder where to go. The trail marker at the next tree may have helped you if you only knew where the indicated routes lead to. […]

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Cycling on abandoned railways

Many people think cycling on abandoned railways is the most relaxing. Beside some annoying details like posts and barriers on street crossings they often combine low traffic, beautiful scenery, moderate inclines and smooth routes. It’s very remarkable that more and more cycleways are constructed on these old railroads, many of them with excellent pavement. I […]

3..2..1.. go

The first move is done: the blog for my project singletrails.com is online. A small step for mankind – and also not really a big one for you and me, as there isn’t much to see (yet). But that will change very soon. In march 2019 I will start my project to develop an innovative […]